Battlecreek Church Special Offer

Get 2/3 Off of our Regular Price by Upgrading Your Listing to a Lifetime Listing and also be Included in the National Business Directory at the Same Time

Helping over 50,000 Business Owners
Showcase Their Businesses

Christians in Business exists to provide a resource where Christian consumers and Christian owned and operated businesses can find each other within their own city, state, country and the world.

We realize that Christian Business Owners and Professionals are fulfilling the Great Commission utilizing the tool that God has given to them; their business.  You, as a Business Owner or Professional are a Marketplace Minister. You have customers, vendors and employees that you influence every day of the week.

According to Franklin Graham, marketplace ministry will have the greatest impact on the kingdom of God in these latter days. We want to partner with you and pray for you as we trust the Lord to fulfill that great mission.

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Christian in Business is the Place where Christian consumers and Christian owned and operated businesses can find each other.

We believe it is the responsibility of every believer to search for a Christian source for the products and services they need whenever possible. We also strongly believe that it is the responsibility of each Christian business owner to operate his business with
honesty and integrity.

See What is Included in a Premium or Featured Listing
(Featured Listings are 1st in Search Results and Premium Listings are 2nd)

Local , Regional and National Search

 You can decide how much exposure you want by choosing the membership level that meets your business needs: Premium, Featured or Basic.

Complete Business Profile

Premium and Featured Memberships allow you to show all the details of your business, including "About Us", "Specials", "Testimonials" and more.

Business Image/ Add Image

Premium and Featured Memberships allow you to upload your business image or Advertisement. Featured Listings include Ad Design and Advertisement for your business.

Email and Website Links

Premium and Featured Memberships allow to you to highlight your email address and website url with clickable links.

Up to 250 Keywords Included

Premium and Featured Memberships allow you to SEO your Listing with up to 250 keywords so that potential customers will be able to search and find your listing..

Social Media Links

Premium and Featured Memberships allow you to include all of your Social Media Links: Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc......

Testimonials and Reviews

Premium and Featured Memberships allow you to share your testimonials for credibility and allow customers to give a review of your services.

Specials and Coupons

Premium and Featured Memberships will let you offer specials and discounts to help you gain new customers. These can have times to start and expire.

Mapping with Direction

Premium and Featured Memberships will let potential customers find you by showing them a detailed map of your business location.

Employment Feature

Premium and Featured Memberships will let you advertise within your listing for jobs that you have available.